
Debbie’s unique and charismatic style has taken her around the world to perform from community gatherings to heritage sites, from corporations to schools and from international storytelling festivals to sell out shows. Born in Sri Lanka, Debbie draws from Chinese, Dutch and Sinhalese parentage, giving her a strong affinity from these, and towards other, cultures. Her rich, diverse heritage and training as a geologist and teacher, manifests itself in all aspects of her work.

Living in London, Debbie has spent many years travelling around the world collecting stories. She has also climbed several volcanoes and met Komodo dragons. Her lived experience of her global travels is woven into the stories she tells, adding cultural history and the natural environment with the inspirational message that we can all make a difference.

Debbie loves her work with the Historic Royal Palaces, the Museum of London, Horniman Museum and Dulwich Picture Gallery, where she spends time telling stories, leading workshops and creative training. Debbie is the Founder of the Sihina projects, these are skills based projects with a health and wellbeing focus which have changed lives. She is the Founder of Small Tales Storytelling Clubs, the first clubs in the UK, where young people are trained in the art of storytelling and public speaking. Debbie started these clubs because a story she told enabled a young cancer patient to speak again and she wants to leave a legacy in the hearts and voices of the future.

Sihina - Dreams Projects
Click here to see the promotional video

Video Examples

The interview about Debbie's life as Sathara Karaya, a third generation storyteller, for 'Taking the Traditions On' series
Click here

A performance of The Ruby Prince for The Mid-Island StoryTellers of Vancouver Island, Canada
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The Royal Oak Story - Recorded for Westminster Abbey to celebrate Royal Oak Day
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A performance of The Flute Player for the Monahan Yarnspinners, Ireland
Click here

A performance of The 7 Legged Horse - Commissioned by Storyflix, a European collaboration
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A live performace at the British Museum for a Diwali Festival
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Debbie Guneratne